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The late Bishop Melvin Easley, Jr. was the founding pastor of The Carpenter's House Baltimore.  He was called to eternal rest on October 16, 2023. Bishop Melvin Easley, Jr. was called to the ministry on December 1992 and remained persistent in his message of reconciliation to everyone he met.  Bishop Easley retired after twenty-eight (28) years of public service in Maryland's Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service. He was convinced through the many faces of hopelessness he saw, that "every soul was worth fighting for"!  Bishop Easley lived to spread the Gospel beyond the church walls and wascommitted to servitude through neighborhood prayer walks and sharing resources to disproportionately affected communities.  He was self-motivated and a creative leader, he understood the trends that connected to youth culture and was able to connect to those in economic social deprivations.  Bishop Easley's theological and professional education prepared him for diverse denominational services, leadership, and today's end-time ministry. The essence of his leadership was manifested by wisdom, character, and God's anointing.  Bishop Easley was commissioned by the Lord to help reach the lost, heal the hurt, and mend the wounded.  For twenty-five (25) years, Pastor Easley's consistent approach to ministry made a profound impact of love among the laity, as well as his constituents of the Gospel. 

Bishop Easley married Lady Dornee Easley in 1988, and from their union came three sons (Melvin III, Marcus, and Malachi) and one daughter (Miracle). He genuinely served the flock the Lord had entrusted him through teaching, preaching, and loving the Lord with all his mind, soul, and strength.  And loving his neighbor as himself. 

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